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lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017

Find your comfort zone. Then leave it|Female Fitness Motivation|Gracyanne Barbosa

Becoming One of Those Sexy Fitness Babes

In today's modern society, you have to consider that being fit means being attractive. Besides, you would have more sex appeal if you have a great looking body instead of having those extra padding in your body. So, if you want to look and feel sexy and also have more self confidence, you have to consider starting a fitness program for your body.

If you saw TV and fitness magazine advertising before, you have to admit that the fitness babes looks so attractive showing off their sexy and fit body. If you want to make it as a fitness babe or simply want to look like them, you have to consider working out in the gym. You have to realize the fact that having a well-toned and sexy body not only means that you will be very attractive it will also mean that your heart and the rest of your body will be healthy as well. By working out, you will be less at risk for heart diseases and other diseases such as diabetes.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of benefits that exercising or working out can provide. Aside from the fact that you will look attractive and have more self-confidence, you can prevent diseases from affecting you.

What if you are already a mom or are always very busy at work? You have to consider that some of these fitness babes are also a mom or are very busy at work. Working out to have a great looking body applies to everyone. You have to consider that there are quite a lot of fitness programs available in fitness centers today. There are fitness programs for moms and there are also different fitness programs for career women. If you saw moms and career women who look like fitness babes, you have to consider that they probably are. By just having enough discipline and dedication for fitness, it will be possible for you to get that healthy looking body that you have always wanted.

If you don?t have time to go to the gym, you can always purchase home gym equipments and hire a fitness expert to guide you and schedule you on your daily workout routine. They will also be able to provide you with the proper diet when you are working out. Many women today desire having a great looking and sexy and fit body. However, you have to consider that many women try everything only to have little or no results at all. Sometimes, women try different kinds of diet where it can be very dangerous for their health by depriving the proper nutrients that their body needs.

They also try cosmetic surgery, such as liposuction just to have a great looking body. However, these methods can just give you thin body. It will not eventually give you a fit and well toned body. And, these methods are usually dangerous.

So, if you want a well-toned body like those of fitness babes, you have to consider working out in order to have it. It is a natural way and it is also beneficial to your health.

martes, 7 de noviembre de 2017

Fitness for Women- Stay Fit and Healthy!

Fitness for Women- Stay Fit and Healthy!

Here are 10 tips for women to stay fit and healthy:

1. Staying fit and healthy starts with a balanced diet. Know and monitor the right weight for your age. Consult your doctor to learn what food you should avoid and follow your eating discipline routines. If you are trying to lose some weight, foods with high calories should be omitted from your meals. Food with high fiber and low fat should be included a priority in your grocery list instead of red meat, sugars and fats.

2. Drink plenty of water. Drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday. This cleanses the body from impurities. It is also advised for lactating women to increase water intake to keep the body hydrated.

3. Take Vitamins and Supplements. Do not forget your Calcium supplement.  Sufficient Calcium intake is beneficial for women of all ages. This has been proven to prevent having cramps and Pre-Menstrual Period (PMS) Symptoms. It also prevents Osteoporosis especially for menopausal women. Vitamin E boosts strong immune system. Women who undergo menopausal period should take Vitamin E-400 as it stops night sweats and hot flashes. Also, Vitamin E is said to be best in avoiding wrinkles when aging.

4. Quit smoking. If you are smoking, stop. It is also a big ?NO? for pregnant women, as this will affect the health of the baby. Pregnant women who smoke may pass the harmful content of cigarettes to babies through the bloodstream. Recent studies have shown that women smokers are more prone to diseases than men smokers. Women who smoke have a high risk of getting breast cancer. Also limit your alcohol intake.

5. Incorporate exercises in your daily routine. Take a walk after work, use stairs instead of elevator or play with your kids when you are at home. Home exercises are also effective especially when you do not have time to go to the gym and would like to lose some weight. Yoga and Pilates are only a few of the many effective exercises you can do at home. Exercises help in limiting the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

6. Avoid stress. Many women are prone to too much stress. Stress has been known as cause to many sicknesses. As much as possible take time to relax. Read a good book, hang out with friends and engage into sports. Pamper yourself by going to parlors or you can do some shopping. And do not forget to get enough sleep to revive your energy.

7. Use sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Wear hats when under the sun to protect your skin. Too much sun is bad for your skin. The skin is prone to cancer when exposed to too much sunlight. It also speeds up the aging of skin cells, which causes wrinkles to women.

8. Make sure to visit your dentist to keep that beautiful smile. Always have it cleaned to prevent cavities and bad breath.

9. Visit your Gynecologist. Women who are eighteen and above should have their Physical Examination annually especially for the Pap Smear test. Women who are forty and up should have their mammograms and the Breast self-exam is encouraged once puberty has been reached and should be a habit as they mature

10. Safe sex is strongly recommended. Use condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

Sexy girl sports brunette ass butt model pose look gym

Beauty and Fitness

Health is wealth. By being physically fit, it can make a person look lean both inside and out.

There is a lot a person can do such jogging or walking  in the morning, playing basketball or any other sport with friends but if a person wants to have muscles and look lean, the best thing to do will be to sign up and workout in a gym.

Just like taking any medicine, one should first consult the doctor before undergoing any form of exercise.

Physical exercise is beneficial because it helps maintain and improve ones health from a variety of diseases and premature death.  It also makes a person feel happier and increases ones self esteem preventing one from falling into depression or anxiety. It has also shown to make a person with an active lifestyle live longer than a person who doesn?t.

The best exercise plan should have cardiovascular and weight training exercises. This helps burn calories and increase the muscle to fat ratio that will increase ones metabolism and make one either gain or lose weight.

A person who has never worked out before should do it gradually. Doing it too much for the first time can make one pull a muscle or have an injury making it worse. Endurance will never be built in a day and doing it repeatedly will surely be good to the person.

Focusing on certain portion in the body can help make it improve. A good example is going to the gym and doing a workout more often in a specific area such as the abs can give one a chest pack.

But beauty is not only about having muscles which is what people can see. It is also about enhancing the beauty within.

Here are some things one can do everyday to stay beautiful and healthy;

? Reading books and other reading material more often keeps the mind sharp just like working out keeps the body in shape.

? Work no matter what kind it is produces stress. One can reduce this by taking the time out to do something special like lying in a hot tub, shopping or watching a movie. Studies have shown it is reliever and helps one from looking haggardly.

? Pollution is something people cannot control given the size of the problem. When one goes out, it is best to put some form of protection such as beauty products that contain antioxidants that protect the skin from damage. There are also other beauty products available and choosing the right one with the help of a dermatologist can help the person.

? Another way to stay healthy is to give up some vices. Most people smoke and drink. Smoking has been proven to cause lung cancer and other diseases as well complications for women giving birth. Excessive drinking has also shown to do the same.

? For people who don?t smoke, it is best to stay away from people who do since studies have shown that nonsmokers are also at risk of developing cancer due to secondary smoke inhalation.

? Lastly, it is best to always start the day with a positive outlook. Just as studies have shown that exercise makes a person feel happier, smiling produces the same effect. A smile can do a lot and it is contagious in a positive sense. It brightens the day of not only one but others as well.

domingo, 5 de noviembre de 2017

Bigger BUTT Exercises! Gym Workout

Fitness Model Alexis Fallon (@AlexisFallon_) is showing some of her favorite butt building exercises in the gym. We'll be adding Alexis complete 30 Day Butt Building and Lifting Gym Workout plan to this month. But for now try this above workout: 1 set Roman Chair Back Extensions Warm-up 40 reps. 2 sets single leg press 12-15 reps per leg. 2 sets Smith rack squats 15-20 reps 2 sets smith rack bouncing Squats 20-25 reps 2 sets Smith Rack lunges 12-15 reps per legs 1 set barbell Squat 30-40 reps 1 set barbell bouncing Squat 30-40 reps 1 set bosu ball side hops AMAP

sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017

10 Minute Squat Challenge! Big Booty Lift! Try It!

Becoming One of Those Sexy Fitness Babes

In today's modern society, you have to consider that being fit means being attractive. Besides, you would have more sex appeal if you have a great looking body instead of having those extra padding in your body. So, if you want to look and feel sexy and also have more self confidence, you have to consider starting a fitness program for your body.

If you saw TV and fitness magazine advertising before, you have to admit that the fitness babes looks so attractive showing off their sexy and fit body. If you want to make it as a fitness babe or simply want to look like them, you have to consider working out in the gym. You have to realize the fact that having a well-toned and sexy body not only means that you will be very attractive it will also mean that your heart and the rest of your body will be healthy as well. By working out, you will be less at risk for heart diseases and other diseases such as diabetes.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of benefits that exercising or working out can provide. Aside from the fact that you will look attractive and have more self-confidence, you can prevent diseases from affecting you.

What if you are already a mom or are always very busy at work? You have to consider that some of these fitness babes are also a mom or are very busy at work. Working out to have a great looking body applies to everyone. You have to consider that there are quite a lot of fitness programs available in fitness centers today. There are fitness programs for moms and there are also different fitness programs for career women. If you saw moms and career women who look like fitness babes, you have to consider that they probably are. By just having enough discipline and dedication for fitness, it will be possible for you to get that healthy looking body that you have always wanted.

If you don?t have time to go to the gym, you can always purchase home gym equipments and hire a fitness expert to guide you and schedule you on your daily workout routine. They will also be able to provide you with the proper diet when you are working out. Many women today desire having a great looking and sexy and fit body. However, you have to consider that many women try everything only to have little or no results at all. Sometimes, women try different kinds of diet where it can be very dangerous for their health by depriving the proper nutrients that their body needs.

They also try cosmetic surgery, such as liposuction just to have a great looking body. However, these methods can just give you thin body. It will not eventually give you a fit and well toned body. And, these methods are usually dangerous.

So, if you want a well-toned body like those of fitness babes, you have to consider working out in order to have it. It is a natural way and it is also beneficial to your health.

Forget implants, if you want a big ass check out this home gym workout

Woman Fitness: Building Strength through a Strength Training Program

Women always want to have a beautiful body. It is always the trend in Hollywood and everywhere else. But what is the right exercise program for women who want to lose their fats effectively.

One of most growing form of women exercise is associated with strength training. It does not only cater to fat loss but also provides several benefits. It includes metabolic rate increase, bone density increase and restoration, lean muscles mass increase, injury prevention, improved balance, coronary disease prevention, recovery and rehabilitation, sports performances improvement, delayed aging process, and look and figure enhancement.

Before beginning a strength training program, you need to consult a doctor. This will ensure your safety and proper fitness.  In fact, creating routines for strength training is one of the trickiest portions of your fitness program. But if you follow the guidelines provided by some personal trainers, then you can increase your chances of becoming  successful with your fitness objectives.

1. You can never strength train your muscle in one day. Minimum time allocations of 24 to 36 hours must be followed. Consecutive days of doing the exercises can lead to muscle fatigue, possible injury, and overtraining. Rests are required to regain lost energy.

2. You cannot lose your weight instantly. For example losing excess stomach fats cannot be achieved by doing only 100 crunches. Stomach flab doesn't easily disappear in that way. Overall reduction of body fats must be done first by proper rest, regular exercise, and eating well.

3. You cannot tone your body immediately. Step by step procedure should be followed. You need to concentrate on one muscle group. Once you are through, you can proceed to your next target. Considering the use of machines is much better than using free weights only.

4. Your strength training programs should be consistent and regular to ensure successful results. Keep in mind that you have gained weight for years, so losing it also takes time. Your strength training requires a change in your lifestyle. Bad habits must be replaced with good ones. 

5. Strength training requires changes every 4 to 6 weeks. It will prevent your body from getting bored and keep workouts more interesting. You need to change your exercise method, and intensity levels. Unchanged routines sometimes stop producing good results in the end. You need to grow from your daily workouts.

6. Your strength training programs need to be created according to your specific objectives. It can include, hypertrophy, adding bulk, fat loss, or maintaining weight. Every objective has also different methods for acquiring optimal results. If you are interested in body fat loss, your strength training is different compared to increasing bulks in your muscles. You need specific goals to create the best possible strength training program.

7. Your regular routine should workout all your major muscles 1 to 3 times a week. It includes the triceps, chest, shoulders, biceps, quads, calves, abs, hamstring, and gluts. It creates imbalance if you missed any one of the muscle groups.

Women who follow these guidelines can build an effective and decent strength training program. Achieving a healthy and fit body is also safe. So, be ready to achieve that beautiful body you have always dreamt of.

Girls Stretch Routine is Amazing!!!! - You ...

Fitness for Women- Stay Fit and Healthy!

Here are 10 tips for women to stay fit and healthy:

1. Staying fit and healthy starts with a balanced diet. Know and monitor the right weight for your age. Consult your doctor to learn what food you should avoid and follow your eating discipline routines. If you are trying to lose some weight, foods with high calories should be omitted from your meals. Food with high fiber and low fat should be included a priority in your grocery list instead of red meat, sugars and fats.

2. Drink plenty of water. Drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday. This cleanses the body from impurities. It is also advised for lactating women to increase water intake to keep the body hydrated.

3. Take Vitamins and Supplements. Do not forget your Calcium supplement.  Sufficient Calcium intake is beneficial for women of all ages. This has been proven to prevent having cramps and Pre-Menstrual Period (PMS) Symptoms. It also prevents Osteoporosis especially for menopausal women. Vitamin E boosts strong immune system. Women who undergo menopausal period should take Vitamin E-400 as it stops night sweats and hot flashes. Also, Vitamin E is said to be best in avoiding wrinkles when aging.

4. Quit smoking. If you are smoking, stop. It is also a big ?NO? for pregnant women, as this will affect the health of the baby. Pregnant women who smoke may pass the harmful content of cigarettes to babies through the bloodstream. Recent studies have shown that women smokers are more prone to diseases than men smokers. Women who smoke have a high risk of getting breast cancer. Also limit your alcohol intake.

5. Incorporate exercises in your daily routine. Take a walk after work, use stairs instead of elevator or play with your kids when you are at home. Home exercises are also effective especially when you do not have time to go to the gym and would like to lose some weight. Yoga and Pilates are only a few of the many effective exercises you can do at home. Exercises help in limiting the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

6. Avoid stress. Many women are prone to too much stress. Stress has been known as cause to many sicknesses. As much as possible take time to relax. Read a good book, hang out with friends and engage into sports. Pamper yourself by going to parlors or you can do some shopping. And do not forget to get enough sleep to revive your energy.

7. Use sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Wear hats when under the sun to protect your skin. Too much sun is bad for your skin. The skin is prone to cancer when exposed to too much sunlight. It also speeds up the aging of skin cells, which causes wrinkles to women.

8. Make sure to visit your dentist to keep that beautiful smile. Always have it cleaned to prevent cavities and bad breath.

9. Visit your Gynecologist. Women who are eighteen and above should have their Physical Examination annually especially for the Pap Smear test. Women who are forty and up should have their mammograms and the Breast self-exam is encouraged once puberty has been reached and should be a habit as they mature

10. Safe sex is strongly recommended. Use condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

Hot Fitness Workout | Sexy Girl Exercises and Motivation!

Fasten Fitness to Girls

There have been numerous studies conducted regarding physical fitness for girls. The dominant result reveals that most teen age girls have turned their back from sports, and tend to neglect physical fitness. 

For this reason, parents become anxious about their daughters health. When their little girls step into the period of adolescence, parents usually start their search on how to keep their daughter's interest on maintaining fitness as their son does.

The primary key to this problem is to orient the kids that it is a lifestyle choice to choose fitness. Likewise, keeping oneself fit is a lifetime endeavor.

There is no problem for boys when it comes to the consciousness on their fitness. They are usually sports oriented. It is really the girls who remain inactive on their fitness exercise as they step into adolescent.

A consultant on fitness education, Judy Notay, stated that girls, upon reaching 12 and 13, illustrate a dramatic fall in their enthusiasm towards sports and fitness. The performance of team sports for girls frequently plunges.

To keep the focus of these girls in maintaining their fitness, parents must be aware to choose a school which will be able to provide them good fitness programs.  Not just the common fitness program, but the one that mirrors the girls' interests.

The logic here is simple, role modeling. 

A Physical Education professor in University of Victoria, Rick Bell, said that according to his own perception, the decline of interest of girls in maintaining their fitness only reflects the occasions in schools. 

According to him, the curriculum of the schools does not suit the interest of these girls, specifically, the sort of activities being offered. Especially the nature of competition, which is a normal element of the activities, does not conform to the perception of most girls when it comes to its significance.

The activities that will catch the attentions of these girls, according to professor Bell, are basically dancing.

Today, a number ofschools offer this kind of activities. Dance programs in its different classifications. Examples of this are jazz, social dance, and modern. 

Other activities that capture the interests of girls are aerobics and programs on outdoor education. Truth is these programs are actually proven to be effective in catching the attention of children. In the same manner, these also make the girls active.

Notay stated that the kind of fitness program that parents should search is the one that offers a kind of activity that will be exclusive for girls. The purpose here is to meet the skill level of the girls. 

Of course, the one that heads the program should possess a vast understanding of the needs of the girls. This is very applicable especially when the program will not be within school. 

As a parent, don't think that this will be of so much effort. True, it will take a good deal of effort, but just keep in mind that it is all worth it.

By simply being conscious of your daughter's enthusiasm for physical fitness, you are already guiding your kid to be safe from the threats of illnesses. You are also helping her to cope up with stresses. Of course, through physical fitness, your daughter's confidence is also being developed through socializing with others.

Fitness Girls, GYM, Women Bodybuilding

7 Tips for Fitness Women

Would you like to be a fitness woman? Or are you a fitness woman but would like to be effective? Here are 7 great tips on how to become an effective fitness woman:

1. Get a program that will best suit you. Every fitness woman is different. You may have surgical history where a program may not be suited for you. Always consult a qualified trainer to make sure that the fitness program will not hurt you. If the fitness program is not for you, it will only be a cause of frustration and injuries.

2. Set realistic targets. Wouldn't you be frustrated if you set your mind into reshaping your body in month? Make sure that the body you prefer in a period of time is achievable and realistic. The program should also be practical and will not give you false hopes. It is important to be aware of the blocks you encounter in your daily living. This will help you know what program is satisfactory. And once a program has been reached, then you can set goals and timelines that are realistic.

3. Exercises should work on the parts of your body where muscles are. The reason mainly is, when you develop muscles, you burn more calories and then you lessen the fats in your body. Multi-joint exercises and weight lifting are recommended. Learn what exercises work on certain parts of your body. Multi-joint exercises are also said to be effective but time saving.

4. Be systematic on working on your muscles. Your muscles should be working harder over time. Repeating the same sets of exercises and same weight without getting your muscles to work harder will not give satisfactory results. You can record your daily results and make the progression based on your previous data. A daily log will also motivate you since you are able to track how far you have gone. It builds confidence since there is a written proof something that was successfully accomplished.

5. Perform a set of exercises in 10 repetitions. Every number that was accomplished is called a repetition. Try to make every repetition with less momentum as much as possible. The lesser the momentum, the harder your muscles work. And the harder they work, the bigger they become. To check if there is much momentum when lifting, see if the arm is floating. If the arm does float, then there is much momentum.

6. Be flexible and perform a variety of exercises.  Every exercise program should have a variety. You can change your exercises, goals and sets every month to keep you motivated and on the go. Doing this will help you prevent being bored and losing energy physically and mentally.

7. Be Motivated! The best way to keep the energy levels of trainees is to allow a healthy competition and allow them to have a sense of control. Having control is having the sense ownership where everybody gets a part in implementing a program. To do this you also need to be consistent in demonstrating your skills.

Not all programs work for all types of people. There is no workout that is best for everyone. But you learn from experienced people. Learn to acknowledge blocks and demonstrate self-discipline, keep yourself motivated and work harder everyday and add variety. Doing these things, you will discover that a lot of programs will work for you.


miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017

The 24 Hour Fitness Path

The 24 Hour Fitness Path

The Twenty Four Hour fitness center is like your one stop shop to everything about fitness and your well-being.  Imagine it as the Walmart of the fitness industry.    Twenty Four Hour fitness centers are located in a number of  areas in the state.   All of them have equipments which cater to weight training as well as cardio vascular equipments.  A variety of fitness gear is also available.  Twenty Four Hourfitness centers all have locker rooms and ? believe it or not ? baby sitting accommodations.  Over all, the Twenty Four Hour fitness center is a complete, clean and extremely well maintained facility that especially caters to all your fitness wants, needs and preferences.

Join Us

It is very easy to get started on your path to fitness.  Twenty Four Hour fitness centers have over three hundred clubs located in the whole nation and is open for twenty four hours. There is no long term contract to sign up in.  You have the option to pay monthly, but you are offered a complete personal training package that suits your body type, body weight and built so you are ensured with a service that is truly personalized.

Which club do you belong in?

Twenty Four Hour fitness center gives you the option to choose the specific type of club that you desire.  The active club involves a group exercise as well as free weights and cardio machines to work off that fat.   The sport club also includes everything in the active club but with additions such as basketball, heated pools and whirlpool.  The super-sport club also includes the amenities found those in the active club and the sport  club but with more additions such as massages, a sauna as well as a steam room.  The ultra sport club is the works.  It includes most of the amenities found in the active, sport and super sport club, plus a day spa, courts for racquetball as well as an executive locker room.

The Path to Performance

It all depends on what you want to achieve.  In Twenty Four Hour fitness centers, a uniquely specialized fitness program is available to anyone who simply wants to improve their performance in a specific sport or is seriously training for competition.  The program is designed by athletes. 

The Performance program includes a menu plan specifically customized for those intense workouts.  A resistance training is also available as well as a full cardio workout.  After your exercise, a metabolic rate test is conducted. 

This program is designed for those who wants to get started as soon as possible but has no clear and specific idea how.  This is clearly the best option for them because all the information on nutrition, resistance training is learned through this program.  This is the foundation one needs in order to have results that would last your body a lifetime.
The Components of  Fitness

A regular exercise, an intense workout is just part and parcel of your path to health, fitness and well-being.  There are other factors that should just as well play a part and which Twenty Four Hour fitness center teaches you. 

Food intake is one of them.  A menu is provided to those who follow the performance path.  This details what you should or should not eat, or at least eat less of, if not completely avoid.  Cardio is also one as this enhances  your endurance to stress and exercise. Vitamins and supplements are a necessity unless you are sure that you are able to receive the proper amounts of iron, calcium, vitamin C or D or E in a day.  If not, it is best to take them in.  Resistance training is a feather in your fitness cap and is a necessary tool for being healthy, wealthy and wise.